Procrastination Can Stall Determination

Teaching Children Life SkillsDetermined people do not get into habit of blaming others for what does not go the way they would like them to or when they do not get what they want. When we have a goal in mind we can get very frustrated when what we expect to happen fails to happen, but determined people do not say, “I can’t”, or make excuses. Rather they put their frustrations aside and GO FOR IT!

One of the most common reasons individuals do not get to their goals is not just frustration but rather PROCRASTINATION. When you procrastinate you put off until a later time or date to do what you could have do or maybe should have done today. Why do we procrastinate?

Sometimes because we want to do something else more fun at the time, or we are afraid of failing and so we wait. On the other side of that question though is that we may be afraid of being successful. “If I do well then there will be more expectations of me.” Or fear of being overwhelmed with new responsibilities that will come about due to success. One more reason some procrastinate is a strong desire for everything to be perfect and that actually causes paralysis to set in and nothing gets done.

On our Balanced Life Skills Student website we set out seven steps to reaching your goals – not procrastinating – but actually getting things done, in a determined way.

Three things determined people say to themselves

Teaching Children Life SkillsHave you ever felt determined to do something or achieve a certain goal? If you have or if you have seen your child with that kind of determination then you know that it is not just in your head, but you can actually feel it in your body. Sometimes it is described as ‘fire in your belly’, or as a ‘hunger’ to accomplish the goal.

Not everyone has that kind of drive, in fact on a regular basis we have students brought to Balanced Life Skills and we are told that they just seem to not be interested in anything. Being determined and feeling that sort of drive is very invigorating and certainly makes you want to get up in the morning. It has been found that those that accomplish things in life generally have this quality of determination.

This month we will discuss determination and see how we can develop that characteristic in ourselves and help our children find goals to practice this “not giving up” attitude that leads to successfully achieving your goal. In the video below you will see the three things that we told our students about determined people and what they say to themselves.

Life Skills: Determination – The Definition

Teaching Children Life SkillsEach month we will discuss a life skill with all of our students.  This month the word is Determination.  This word will be defined in the following ways for our students.



Young students:  Determination: “I’ve got a ‘No quit, Go for it’ attitude!”

Older students:  Determination means:  “Going after a goal with purpose, drive and effort — and not quitting until it is achieved.”

Each age group has a worksheet that parents can use to continue the discussion at home with their children, and one for adults to allow them to think more deeply about the skill and how it applies to them.  Would you like to receive the worksheet?  Stop by our studio at 133 Gibralter Avenue in Annapolis, MD and tell us the age of your child.  We will give you a worksheet and invite you to watch Mr. Joe discuss the word with the students in class.  You can also follow our discussions here on this website.

If you would like to become a member of Balanced Life Skills, come TRY CLASSES FOR FREE.   We are not your typical martial arts school, in fact we are an education center, working with our students on physical skills along with empowering families with compassion, awareness and respect.  We believe in every child and build their confidence in themselves.  Balanced Life Skills takes part in community service and encourages each student to do the same.  You are welcomed to come in and talk to the parents that are here and watch the class for the age group you are interested in.

Life Skills: 5 Facts about children and lying & how to deal with lying

5 things we must know about children who lie,

How to deal with lying.girl_crossing_fingers_behind_her_back

  1. Lying may begin at the age of 2 and generally peaks at about 12
  2. Some lying may be healthy imagination and others may be to avoid hurting themselves or others.
  3. Most lies are about avoiding trouble or punishment, or to look better than others.
  4. Some kids tell lies just to see what would happen if…. or just for the fun of it “how will they react?”
  5. Those who tell lies many times have great cognitive skills.

How do you deal with this?  First understand your own shock that will take place the first time your child does not tell you the truth.  You will be shocked!  Then are they old enough to understand what they are doing?  Help them to understand the value of telling the truth and suggest that you believe they may know more than they are telling you about.  If they come clean, thank them and praise them for doing so.

Ask questions that does not give them the opportunity to deny what has happened.  If your child spilled the milk do not ask “if they spilled it?” , instead ask them “why it happened”.  In any case, make sure they know that you disapprove of lying and that it is the wrong way of handling a situation.  Help them to appreciate that trust is at the heart of the matter and that you expect them to tell you the truth.

Most important remember that our children hear and see everything we do and say.  Children cannot tell the difference between a small and big lie, it is all the same to them.  The more they see and hear lying taking place the more they believe that it is normal behavior.  So really – raising honest kids starts with each of us!

Life Skills: Honesty is taking responsibility for our actions

wpid-HONESTY-1751All of us know that honesty is one of the qualities that we look for in our friends, work associates and close relationships.  In fact it is a factor that is measured in those that run for political office and yet I cannot imagine anyone that I know that has not at some time not told the truth about something or withheld information that would have completed the story.

Why do we choose not to tell the truth?  Generally it is to make ourselves look better than we are, to stay out of trouble, or to get what we want.  For us adults we can look back at others or maybe even ourselves and see an example of a lie that has destroyed a relationship or trust.

With children they may lie because of fear their parents will be angry with them, that their friends may make fun of them, or to make others think of them in a special way (typically as cool, smart, rich).  But when we turn it around and ask ourselves how we would feel if a friend did not tell us the truth, we all know that we would question them and their trustworthiness.

It is a funny thing how willing we are to see others telling lies as somewhat different than ourselves.  Learning to take responsibility for our actions and to tell the truth is the Balanced Life Skill Way.

Life Skills: Honesty – The Definition

Teaching Children Life Skills

Each month we will discuss a life skill with all of our students.  This month the word is Honesty.  This word will be defined in the following ways for our students.



Young students:  Honesty: “I show and tell the truth!”

Older students:  Honesty means: Being straightforward and truthful in words and actions.

Each age group has a worksheet that parents can use to continue the discussion at home with their children, and one for adults to allow them to think more deeply about the skill and how it applies to them.  Would you like to receive the worksheet?  Stop by our studio at 133 Gibralter Avenue in Annapolis, MD and tell us the age of your child.  We will give you a worksheet and invite you to watch Mr. Joe discuss the word with the students in class.  You can also follow our discussions here on this website.

If you would like to become a member of Balanced Life Skills, come TRY CLASSES FOR FREE.   We are not your typical martial arts school, in fact we are an education center, working with our students on physical skills along with character.  We are building confidence in each child.  Balanced Life Skills takes part in community service and encourages each student to do the same.  You are welcomed to come in and talk to the parents that are here and watch the class for the age group you are interested in.