When life brings you lemons, make art!

It is always important to keep life in perspective when events sometimes seem like they are playing against us. No one has a life where everything goes our way. And if it did, how boring would that be!?!? Regardless though, the best we can do is take things as they come and make the best of them. Whenever something bad seems to happen to me, I always ask myself “what would i tell my students or someone else?”
In this case, it has been a pleasure to see so many good things come around over the past few weeks. One of them being this past weeks art show. This is the second year of this (hopefully) annual event and this years went well beyond expectations. The two young individuals responsible for this event are our very own Jackson, and his sister Ella. Jackson and his family are soon moving out of Maryland to take on new challenges and experiences. Jackson has been with us for nearly three years and it has been a joy of ours to see the progression he has made over that time. His family has always been a supporting foundation of our school as far as their support for what we stand for and what we are doing. While we will continue to build on this relationship, and hopefully train with Jackson in the future, we still wanted to put something together to show him and his family how much we appreciate their support over these pat years.

~Mr. Doug

One Reply to “When life brings you lemons, make art!”

  1. I would like to thank Mr. Doug for putting this together for us. I will miss having Jackson and Ella and the whole Caruso family in the school during the weeks, but look forward to the possibility of special visits. The impact of the Caruso family on me personally and on the school has been great and is a reminder of why I started Balanced Life Skills 5 years ago. I believe that most of the family’s that attend classes here are looking not just for the physical training, but also for the supplemental support we strive to provide, influencing our students to be the best they are capable of becoming.

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