Adult and children leaders take responsibility

We have talked about making decisions and and choosing what we believe is the best thing to do or say either personally or for the team we are leading.  But sometimes leaders make mistakes so how do leaders handle that?  Leaders take “responsibility”.   If they make a mistake real leaders do not start pointing the finger and blaming others.  They admit when they are wrong, apologize as is needed and then try to make things right.  In other words they “fix it’.  

It is very easy to get caught up in the moment when we have made a mistake and start pointing fingers.  But when we begin blaming others we really start diminishing the strength of the team or at the very least of those around us.  If we are a leader we would be best to follow the advice of Peter Drucker who said:  “The leaders who work most effectively…never say ‘I’…They don’t think ‘I’. They think ‘we’; they think ‘team’…They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”

How does taking responsibility impact people around us?  It creates a trust in you as a leader, it allows others to feel comfortable in risk taking and most important they know that the leader will share the success of the team with crediting everyone.  With that sort of trust others in the group are willing to take responsibility for any mistakes they make also.  I am reminded of the thing my father told me when I was young.  He told me that when we point a finger at others, we have to remember that we have 3 other fingers pointing back at us.  Blaming others accomplishes nothing and fixes nothing.

Making good choices and taking responsibility for our work and what we say and do builds great teams.  As I tell all of our students, “The most important team we are on is our family.”  So do you take your jobs, chores, and work you do seriously?  Are you responsible to get things done?  Do you show you are responsible for the mistakes you make?

Teamwork responsibilities

Being on a team brings with it certain responsibilities. We have the responsibility to carry out our assignments and to do the best we can with them. There may be times that we do not enjoy doing the assignment we have, but we do them because it will help the team. This may happen at home with chores we have agreed to perform, or in school on a project that we are working on a team. If everyone only did what they wanted to do or liked to do, it is likely that our goals would not be met. In fact we may have to compromise at times and agree to do what is best for the team. However there may be times when we should not go along with the team.

Continue reading “Teamwork responsibilities”

What is fairness?

Fairness is something that we talk about throughout our lives.  When we are young it is about someone taking a toy or doesn’t let us play or not getting the same size piece of cake.  When we get older it may be about tests, sports, chores and privileges at home.  With us adults we talk about fairness too.  Unfortunately many times when it does not seem ‘fair’ it ends up in court.
What does fairness mean to you?  When is it fair for everyone to get the do the same amount?
Is there ever a time when individuals get a different amount?
What would happen if we treated everyone the same no matter what?  What would that look like and is it fair?
I will discuss what it means to be fair and unfair later this week here, as we discuss it with all of our students in their classes.