The 6 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Our Children Today

The world we live in is constantly changing and as parents it can be challenging to know what our children are facing and trying to deal with on an everyday basis.  The way we were raised may have been good for the time that we lived in, but now is a different age and era with a whole new set of issues, ideas and challenges.  Unfortunately our children are facing these challenges everyday and they may not have the words or the courage to tell us what is going on in their minds and hearts.

This may not be the lists that ends all lists, but I believe it gets to the root of many of the issues that our children are having to deal with.  So what are the trends that our children are dealing with?  Not in any particular order I have placed these.  You may think your child is not dealing with some of them.  That may be true and then again maybe not.  As you consider each of these and look at the references and further reading I encourage you to stay close to your child, talk to them without judging, build a community around them, help them feel like they belong to something that is bigger than them.

Here is the list of our 6 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Our Children Today. Continue reading “The 6 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Our Children Today”

Life Skills: Building Confidence in Mind and Body

Recently I completed a list and investigation into the top 6 trends that were most dangerous to our children today.  I must say that it is not just our children, but in fact adults too that must deal with these 6 dangerous trends.  One of the trends that students of all ages must deal with is low self confidence.

How is it that our children go from being able to do anything that their minds can imagine at the age of 3 & 4 to feeling that they are not “smart enough”, “good enough”, “thin enough”,  “successful enough”,  in such a short period of time?  As each child gets older they many times are influenced by the opinions of others as their method of measuring themselves.  As they listen and watch those in their circle of companions, they begin to believe that this is how they should look, act, and be.

It is that “self talk” that can make us feel horrible about our bodies and mind.  One of the influences that everyone of us must combat is the influence of the media.  Yet the portrayal of the models and lifestyles of the celebrities many times is created in unnatural and fake ways that does not relate to the real world or maybe even that person.

Build Confidence In Your Body

Your body can do some amazing things.  Your body is different than anyone else.  We can be confident in our bodies and who we are, what our skills are,  and how we approach our life.  That does not mean that we should not take care of ourselves. It does mean though that the world of fake looks and lifestyles should not be our goal.  Our goal can be to continue to make positive changes in ourselves through eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and getting the sleep we need.  It means hanging out with kind and thoughtful individuals, developing our knowledge and points of view, and not being skewed by those that want to sell us something.

Visit this blog regularly as the 6 Most Dangerous Trends Facing Our Children Today is coming soon!

Community Service: Susie C. environmental clean up

Susie C. is a leader

When I walk along the big road near my house, I notice a lot of trash. People throw their trash on the ground and it’s wrong. I wanted to do something to help.

Please Do Not Litter.

I made signs reminding people not to litter. The signs show pictures of animals so people will know that littering hurts animals. We put the signs up on the fence along the road where people litter the most.

Great Job little brother!

I got my little brother Teddy to help me, and we loaded up our wagon with trash. We picked up the litter on the road and filled a big trash bag with all the litter. It was really gross but now the side of the road looks much better.

Community Service: Emma C. cleans up a park

Emma is R.A.D.

Emma went to the park and saw that there was trash left behind by others. She chose to take the lead and clean it up. She picked up the trash and showed what we call in our school Super Responsibility. That is, she took on a task by cleaning up a mess that she did not make. She did this task because it was the “right thing to do”. Back in October we talked about being a R.A.D. person, Reliable, Accountable, Dependable. Emma is RAD!!

Your child can learn to be RAD too.  Join us in our classes as we teach martial arts and life skills.

Ryan R. supports Kidsico Orphanage in Kenya

toys sent to orphanage in Kenya

My service project was to help collect gifts for the Kidsico Orphange in Mongomu,Kenya.  Our youth group at church made denim bags for each of the kids and we filled them with little toys and school supplies.

students receiving gifts

I picked out the animals in the picture.  We made flash cards with the names of the animals in English and Swahili.  The pastor in Africa sent us pictures of the kids with the presents we sent.   I think they really liked my gift!

Listening Required to be Fair

If one part of fairness means that we will not blame others for mistakes that we make, then it must also mean that we will not judge others until we listened to all sides of the story.  Frank Tyger is quoted as saying, “Listening to both sides of a story will convince you that there is more to a story than both sides.”

Being sure that we listen to everyone, allows each person to have their say from the point of view that they saw the events.   Our personal perspective is always colored by our past experiences, what we want to be true, and relationships.

Being a leader though requires us to listen carefully, ask questions, respect the views of others, in order to make all things fair.  While true for all people and situations, this is especially true for parents as we deal with siblings and friends.  Our children will have their view of what took place in a disagreement and many times we will have either pre-determined who did the bad deed,  or we feel like we do not have the time to listen to all the details and just punish everyone.

Neither is fair, and teaches our children that they do not have to listen to all sides before making a decision.  Setting this example of fairness

will help our children make better judgements of situations and people as they grow up.