Quest: Black Belt Excellence

Friday I did not have many expectations for any workouts as normally I do weight training at 7 AM and had called in canceling that appointment due to the weather the night before.  But much to my surprise I was able to fit that work in at 10:30 in the morning and then another surprise with a student coming in to work out a little later in the day.  So we worked on some core exercises, forms and sparring.  I was very happy with how quickly the lessons were picked up by this student and I got a chance to practice them too.

Today I was forced to think about why students sometimes choose to discontinue their training,  both in a personal experience and in teaching our Excellence in Leadership course.  It is important for all of us to remember that at Balanced Life Skills our 5-8 year olds and beginning solid belts, white – orange, our main focus is on building confidence and giving the students the courage to push themselves outside their normal box, without pushing them away from the experience of gaining Black Belt Excellence.   When we do that we set the foundation to go to even greater places.

There are a few things though that we can do to help maintain our students enthusiasm for their training.  Besides encouraging regular attendance, practice at home, and parents watching and being involved, as instructors the more contact we can have and recognition of the students progress the better they feel about their training.  Sometimes it is hard for them to see the progress they are making without our pointing it out to them.  I am encouraging all the new assistant instructors to remember what it was like to be younger and give each of the students a high five and pat on the back for great effort.

Friendship: What happens when we disagree?

If we have a friend for a very long period of time, there is a strong possibility that we will have moments in that time where there will be disagreements or conflicts in the relationships.  I have personally seen friendships end abruptly in some adults due to all sorts of reasons.   They may go from hurt feelings to taking sides with a mutual acquaintance.  Many times the reasons when looked at through neutral eyes seem very petty and small.

Teaching our children how to deal with conflict in friendships is difficult and much of the teaching is not going to be done with our words – but rather our actions.  They will watch how we deal with our friends, listen to our conversations about others and observe the relationships we have within and outside of the family.  In talking to our students about disagreements we suggested to them that there were three steps that were needed to preserve our friendships.

  1. Ask to talk about it and do so in a calm manner, carefully listening to their side before expressing our own feelings.
  2. Apologize for the misunderstanding and our role in contributing to that misunderstanding.
  3. Fix it. Find some neutral grounds that you can agree on and calmly resolving the issues.

This final step with adults especially may take time to resolve.   It is true that time many times heals the wounds that we are feeling, but we do not want to allow time to replace any efforts we could make to speak with our friends with respect and do what we can to maintain the relationships.

Balanced Life Skills Holiday Schedule

logoBalanced Life Skills will be open during the week between the holiday’s of Christmas and New Years on a modified schedule.  It is normal that the number of students in town will be reduced due to traveling and vacations, so we are going to combine some classes and have a more open format of training that I believe will be fun for all of the students.

Students may come to any two days of the week, much like we do in the summertime.  The times and age groups will be scheduled in the following way:

Monday – Thursday

  • Tiger Tot classes will be at 3 PM
  • 5/6 and 7/8 will be together at 4 PM
  • 9-12 and Intermediate at 5 PM
  • Tuesday & Thursday Adult classes at 6 PM

All classes will be one hour in length except for the Tiger Tots.  They will remain at 30 minutes.   Balanced Life Skills will be closed on Friday the 24th and 31st of December.

A look to the New Year

As we approach the new year it is a time to reflect on what our lives will be in this year coming.  I am in that process myself now, with a number of changes that have taken place in my life and business.  While I continue to think about this I do know that there are a couple of areas that I would like to give my attention. Continue reading “A look to the New Year”

The Christmas Jar Project

Christmas Jar created by Ryan R.All of our students have been over the past year dropping coins in our “Christmas Jar” and now is the time to complete the job and deliver it to a deserving family.  First I want to tell you that the jar was designed by one of our 6 year old students and his mom, Ryan R.   I was so impressed with the design and how he stepped right up and made the jar with out a lot of prompting from myself.

Today I called a friend of mine Cathy Holstrom at Food Link and asked her if she knew of any families that have fallen on to difficult times that may find this inspiring or give the a boost of morale.  Of course she had many stories to tell, but the one I have chosen is of a single dad with a 15 year old son.  After working for the same company for over 20 years he was laid off about a year ago and while looking for work in every conceivable place, has not been able to find even the smallest of jobs.   Like many men he would prefer to work and pay his own way and is not inclined to ask for help, but Food Link was able to help him at Thanksgiving and he will receive another meal at Christmas from them.  He has been doing some odd jobs and his neighbors have been assisting as much as possible. Continue reading “The Christmas Jar Project”

Friendship: Qualities of good friends

If you have a good friend, especially one that has been around for a long time, that is a very special feeling and privilege. For some they may have a friend that they had from some of their schooling days – whether it is primary or college days. As the one saying goes “To have a good friend, you must be a good friend.”

So we want our children to develop those sort of friendships that last a long time. In fact it is with those sort of friendships that middle and high school are going to be easier to navigate. It is not about just being popular, it is about healthy relationships between two individuals.

Developing friends and keeping them does not come easily for all children or adults. So what should you do if your child is having trouble making or keeping friends? We will spend some time this month looking at ways we can be a good friend and how others are good friends to us. Continue reading “Friendship: Qualities of good friends”