In the past week in our own local area there have been a number of assaults that have taken place, one of them on a young victim. This is troubling to me personally and I hope that some of the tips that we offer here will be helpful to some in our community. Just today an interview with some safety experts by PATCH was published on line and we were asked to show a couple of simple techniques in a video taken at our studio. I have attached a link to that interview and video.
In addition please find some basic safety rules that every child should know and parents should require of their children. In our martial arts school we talk about self defense in a number of different ways and levels. Our training is always age appropriate in a manner of the way it is taught and what is taught. Self Defense is a part of our classes and we offer courses for individuals both on safety and bully prevention.
General safety tips (pdf)
One final note on Self Defense. Self Defense is more than just getting out of bad situations or away from bad guys. The Balanced Life Skills self defense taught in our classes also deals with all the other things in life that will hurt us, like dealing with anger, our diets (diabetes), practicing environmental awareness and more. I personally believe that we must learn to protect ourselves from everything that can harm us.
For anyone who has been a victim of attack, please feel free to call and talk to us. We are happy to help you in learning how to protect yourself and your loved ones.