Determination begins with the growth mindset

What achievements have meant the most to you? The achievements that mean the most to us many times come after we have worked hard, overcome challenges, even failures to reach our goal. To have that kind of determination requires that we have a “growth mindset” as researched and written about by Carol Dweck of Stanford University.

With a growth mindset we believe that even if I am not able to do something at this time, I can develop the intelligence or skill to do so at a later date. The words we use are, “ I don’t know that YET”.  The belief that we can develop the skills or intelligence leads to the desire to improve and learn.

Self-image is not tied to our success or how you look to others. A failure is an opportunity to learn. So no matter the outcome of our efforts we are on our way to mastering the skill or knowledge we desire. We are on our way to succeeding.

Would it not be great if our children developed that mindset?  They can, and the language we use in praise of them or in correcting them have an impact from a very early age that determines if they will develop a growth mindset or if they believe that what they have is all they will ever have, and there is no growth possible.

Speaking the language of the virtues is a positive way of developing the character in our children that allows them to see their strengths and areas of growth. Would you like to learn more about The Virtues Project? Contact me for an Introduction to Speaking the Language of the Virtues.  Please share with parents and teachers.

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