On January 10th, BLS girls had an awesome time “Kickin’ It“ at the all-girl Focus Group in preparation of the February 7th workshop!
Register for the workshop by following THIS LINK or call Ms. Ariel at 410-263-0050
After a good warm up (including 20 push ups!), we split into teams for an obstacle course and a game of dodgeball. Then we circled up for a discussion of how girls fit into the martial arts world.

The girls had awesome input about their feelings of being a female martial artist, what BLS could do to be more appealing to girls, and how they feel about martial arts in general!
This focus group was designed to introduce BLS girls together and gauge their interest in an on-going all-female program, Kick It!
They love the idea! The girls are very enthusiastic and eager to hand out invitations for the Kick It Workshop!
During Kick It at Balanced Life Skills, girls will have an opportunity to develop and strengthen friendships, and they will have a safe space to lay the groundwork for positive self-esteem and how to identify exceptional role models.
Of course, this workshop will be equally as full of fun, laughter, games, and martial arts — you know, girl stuff! Ms. Jen and Ms. Ariel are really looking forward to seeing all the BLS girls, ages 7-12, on February 7th for the workshop, along with a few of their friends!
Click the image below to print it out!