Whitney Kropp: Bullied Teen & Community Show Courage

Can you imagine being the person who was nominated to be Homecoming Queen only to be told that it was simply a prank by the ‘popular’ students. The boy that was nominated to be her escort withdrew from the court.

In this case the community came forward to help and to support her as she decided to attend the homecoming no matter, to stand up to the bullying. This took a great deal of courage from a 16 year old. But lets not ignore the others around her that have given support and demonstrated that when a community comes together they can turn a bad situation into one that is supportive.  See the Town Rallies Around Bullied Teen

Everyday in our own community there are many young people who are targets of bullying. Will our community work together to support all of our children? Are we willing to create a culture of peace in the community, starting with our own education about the subject and helping our children learn to focus on friendship?

I invite parents to attend one of our Parent Workshops on Bully Prevention.   They are free and our sole purpose is to bring awareness to what we can do as parents in regard to this issue.


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