Life Skills: Teamwork Discussions Will Focus on Family and Schools

Teaching character and life skills to students

Our children, just like ourselves, find that we are on a variety of teams.  It may be a school, sports, service project, or for adults we may be on multiple teams at work.  Whenever we find that we are with a group of people trying to achieve a common goal, it requires that we have teamwork.

While all of these outside activities are important to demonstrate the qualities of good teamwork, our inner circle of our family is the most important.  In fact it is here in the family that we first lay the groundwork for teamwork, and this is where we should have our foundation and strongest ties.

Teaching the quality of teamwork to our children with our example and words have a far reaching affect on their relationships later when they get in school and have to deal with social issues and behaviors of classmates, teachers and teams that they may be taking part in.  During this month we will look at what it means to be a teammate, why some teams are successful and others not, how we can contribute to teams we are on and how and why we should speak up as an individual on a team.

Finally I will be tying all of this in to how teaching teamwork to our children has an affect on bullying in school.  Follow us here or come in to the school and enjoy taking classes with our team of dedicated instructors.

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