It has been very hard for me to get back into my routine. I have moments when everything feels like it is getting there and then there is a breakdown and I feel completely disconnected again. Does Hawaii do that to you or is it something else? When we come back from summer vacation it can be a releif that there is more routine in our lives. Use this time to re-establish your personal routine to a better you.
To get back into routine there are some simple steps to take:
- Be sure to eat the right foods and get back on your schedule of eating. (5-6 meals a day)
- Force yourself to go to bed at the same time and get up at that same time.(even on weekends)
- Begin your physical regimen as soon as possible. (begin with physical activity with a partner / teammate)
- Add your personal physical activity day by day. (include a stretching routine)
- Start a reading routine again. (be sure to get at least 30 minutes to one hour of reading in everyday)
- Stay in touch with your mentors or teammates on a daily basis. (this adds accountability)
- Journal your results everyday. (this is for you to see where you can adjust and make improvements)
- Limit & schedule time spent on email, internet activities and television.
- Schedule time for doing charity work in your community
- Be sure to celebrate your successes by allowing yourself to do something special for yourself.
Daily working on yourself is a part of living your best life, setting a great example for those watching (read our kids), keeping up both our mental and physical health. If you are feeling tired or worn out all the time – something is missing in your life. It may be a good routine of great healthy, ‘Living Like a Champion’ activities. Join with me in the activity of routine and watch what I am doing to live the best life I can.
Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher to so many students. You lead by example- the best way! I want to say thank you again for personally calling me and following up about our conversation concerning my health. You truly practice what you "preach"! Your kindness and concern say a great deal about your character that we want as mothers to instill in our children.