Gratitude makes us feel good!

I cannot tell you how many people I have talked to, who with all the things in their life that look like success are not very happy.  How sad.  We really are not on this earth that long to spend our time doing things we don not enjoy or being unhappy.

How do we get beyond that though?  I am like most of you, not really so much about the use of chemical ways of feeling better, like some may tell us to try.  Here is what I have found and this is certainly not a new idea or even my own.

Before starting your day ask yourself – “What do I feel grateful for about myself?”  This is a way of reminding yourself about your resources, strengths and talents.  At the end of the day ask yourself, “What did I do today that I feel good about?”  Sometimes it is good to write these down, so we can go back and look at them and see how we have grown.

This will help us not to have tunnel vision on our problems which sometimes occurs when when feeling depressed or stressed.  When we practice this we feel better, the world looks better, and we notice that others want to be around us more.  Gratitude will bring peace, joy and happiness to your life.

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