Courage: Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

Courage is one of the qualities that we want to see in our children.  Being willing to try new things and to know how to cope with our fears is very different that not being scared.  All of us feel scared and nervous from time to time.  But when those fears are based on our imagination or worry about what might happen, that is quite different than when there are real dangers. 

In our school we see it quite often that when a child comes in to try a new class – even if they want to be there the fear of the group or new situation overcomes them.  We are able to help them overcome that and act in a safe and courageous way.  This month we will be talking to our students about courage the following ways.  If you would like your child to have more courage why not try Balanced Life Skills Martial Arts.  We build courage in children and adults.

The definitions we will use for courage this month are:

Young students: “I feel brave!
Older students, teens and adults: Courage is the willingness to face fears and challenges with determination.

During the four weeks of September we will be discussing the following:

Week 1: Courage defined. What does courage mean?  What are people scared of?
Week 2: Taking healthy risks: How can I use courage to try new things and meet new people?
Week 3: Courage and Values:  How can I use courage to stand up for what I think is right and fair?
Week 4: Keeping control:  How can I calm myself down and make good decisions?

If you would like more information please feel free to call us and watch for discussions on this website. Take time this month to think about the times you have shown courage even when times were scary.  Share these experiences with your children in an age appropriate manner and they will see how strength of character has served you.

Thanks to all families in our community who continue to support the practice of Life, Art and Peace.

Determination: A no quit, go for it attitude

Determination refers to a person’s attitude towards defining goals for himself as well as his ability to take the initiative to achieve those goals. It involves a combination of skills, knowledge, drive and belief in oneself which enable a person to engage in goal-directed action.
Determined people typically have a clear understanding of their strengths, limitations, interests and needs. They use this understanding to make important decisions about their goals, evaluate their progress, make adjustments, and follow through to completion. Determined people don’t allow weakness to deter them from reaching their goals.
Given that this is an Olympic year and the games begin this month, students will be seeing a great deal of determination in action. What a great teaching opportunity! One of the key things that they can glean from watching their favorite athletes is that while talent can open the doors to great opportunities, it’s actually determination that provides people with the “ticket” to achieve their goals. As legendary actress, Sophia Loren, once said; “Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent.”
This month the definitions of determination are as follows:
Young students: “I’ve got a ‘No-Quit-Go-For-It’ attitude!”
Older students, teens and adults: The attitude needed to define a goal and then follow through to the end.

During the four weeks of July we will be discussing the following:

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