Life Skills: 5 Tips For Teaching Children Perseverance With a No Excuses Attitude

Teaching character and life skills to students

Teaching children about perseverance is more than just telling them they have to do their homework now, or they have to practice the piano or their martial arts or dance.  Teaching children perseverance starts first with setting the example and then using the words with them that demonstrate the lessons you are teaching.

Lesson #1 Perseverance requires not becoming overwhelmed, but taking one step at a time.  We do not teach our children to walk in one day, it runs it course with a little practice everyday for a few months and then one day – they are walking.  The same is true when we set out to reach a goal.  Show your children how to make a plan with one small step at a time and progress will be seen before you know it.  Keep a record of the starting point and celebrate the small victories.  Show them the before and after pictures of where they are today.

Lesson #2 Teach our children not just how to manage their time – but to prioritize.  In any time management course they will show you how to list and categorize A,B,C and then 1,2,3 till you can see the most important and urgent items on your list.  But prioritizing is also learning about giving up some in the C group, fun to do but not important to reaching your goal, so that your goal can be reached.  What are you willing to give up now to reach your goal in the future?  Yes it takes self discipline and learning not to giving in to peer pressure.  Model this for your child and point out when you are setting this example.

Lesson #3 Just as important as managing time is managing your energy.  teaching our children and setting the example of eating in a healthy manner, getting enough sleep, and exercise are the three key ingredients to having the energy to put the time in required to meet your goals.  Are you and your family eating enough water based foods?  Are you getting the 7-8 hours of sleep you need or if it is a child it may be 10-12 hours of sleep?  Does your family have a regular exercise routine, doing some things together too.  All of this will be particularly valuable to your children as they grow into the teen years.

Lesson #4 Teaching our children not to let the lack of resources be a discouraging factor in them reaching their goals is important as we teach them about desire, motivation and creativity.  So many highly successful individuals in the world started out with very little or nothing, or had physical disabilities or other obstacles, yet were able to reach their goals.  Look for examples in all different professions that you can share with your children to encourage them to use their creativity.

Lesson #5 Pursue your interests and what makes you happy.  Don’t worry if it is the popular thing to do or if your friends are following this path too.  Don’t think about what others think, or do.  Find others that can mentor and support you in the areas that you are interested in.  Introducing our children to people, young and old, in their fields of interest is a great way of encouraging them to continue to pursue their interest and to understand what they need to be the best they can be.

How to Reduce Stress Part 2: The Effect of Food on Stress

We have all heard that ‘you are what you eat’.  While we don’t eat stress, what we do eat can stress the cells in our body and brain, and they do know the difference between what is good for them and what is really just filler material – that most of the time is easier to get and can taste good.  If we do not give our bodies what it needs you cannot be at your best, physically or mentally.

First lets talk about healthy food that reduces stress.  Our bodies are made up of 70% water yet most people only eat between 5 and 15 percent of water based foods in their diet.  Immediately that causes a deficit of the most valuable part of the makeup of your diet.  The water you get from drinking water and in fruits and vegetables actually allows you to think better, as the cell connections in your brain are aided by water.  Eating foods that are water based, fruits and vegetables as the majority of your diet is the best.

However putting good food in is only one part of the system.  Reducing or eliminating the bad things we put in our bodies is also an important step.  Here are two of the biggest culprits in our diet  that are not healthy choices and will increase the affects of our stress.

Caffeine: hidden in more foods than you can imagine, can make you feel good short term, but can also increase sleeplessness and panic attacks.

Sugar: Looks good, tastes great and is added to more prepared foods than you can imagine, will give you a quick high and then a big let down.  The up and down effect can leave you wiped out.

In our busy lives though, eating correctly is one of the toughest choices we have to make.  Doing so though will make us feel better physically, mentally and just as important, we will know that we are doing the right thing!