Grants 4 Teachers Advisory Board Meets to Make Grants Available

On Friday October 14,  the Grants 4 Teachers advisory board met and discussed the largest number of grant request ever made to this fund.  There were 54 grant requests for over $23,000 for all kinds of projects and materials needed by teachers to do an extraordinary job.

Each year G4T has two cycles of grant funding that takes place, filling needs for special field trips, supplying community service materials for classrooms, musical instruments and many other items that keep teachers from reaching their hands into their own pockets for that project.  It is estimated that every school teacher spends about $1000.00 every year of their own money for their classroom.

G4T wants the teachers of Anne Arundel County to know that we value them as one of the most important resources we have in the county.  We do this by providing some funds for those innovative, creative projects that would otherwise go without being done.

If you are a teacher in the county and have a creative way that you would like to approach a subject, please apply for a grant.  Many times we are able to combine our efforts with others that appreciate teachers and larger grants are made available.  This year we were very moved by one teacher who offered to make up the difference in the grant and what was needed themselves.  What dedication!

If you are a member of the community and would like to support our efforts to show teachers how much we appreciate them you can learn more at Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County.

Grants 4 Teachers is Accepting Grant Request From Anne Arundel County School Teachers

The school year has open and is well underway.  It is time for all of us to show our support for teachers in our community, as they are one of our most valuable resources.  Grants4Teachers is now accepting grant applications from AACPS teachers for those special projects in their classroom that will not be funded by others.

We are looking for creative ideas that teachers would like to implement to bring the love and joy of learning to their students.  If you are a teacher please think about what you could do special with your students if you only had the money for the supplies.  If you are a parent, be sure to share this opportunity with your school and all the teachers.  We have supplied violins, trips, and some very special art project materials in the past and we are looking forward to doing the same this fall.

Here is the website for complete information:

Here is the simple one page application: Grants 4 Teachers – Grant

Life Skills: Respect – How To Respect Teachers

We all have people we respect.  When we ask students about who they respect, they come up with names of famous athletes and other famous individuals for all kinds of reasons.  Many of them will say their teachers or one special teacher.  They appreciate their teacher for a number of reasons including, “they are nice”, “they help me”,   “they let us have…”.   But showing respect for the teacher can be more difficult for them to understand.

Talking to our children about how to respect teachers is important for parents to do, and not just from the point of view of “not getting in trouble”.  Showing respect for them can be done by listening in class, not calling out, by waiting to be called on to answer, following the rules of the classroom, completing assignments, asking for help.

All teachers appreciate students who have good manners in school and who work well with them, but they especially appreciate when a student takes the time to say thank you.  For some of us we wait till we are older and then go back and say thank you, but everyday is an opportunity for our children to learn the value of a sincere thank you for what our teachers do for our children everyday.  I encourage all parents and children to take the time to think about and then thank a teacher for the value they add to our lives.  They make a big difference in our lives and saying thank you is important for them and us.

Each year Balanced Life Skills recognizes the teachers in our community by inviting them to visit our school and their students.  Continue reading “Life Skills: Respect – How To Respect Teachers”