The Greensboro Alabama project

Please check out this video about a project I am involved with and one of my personal living heroes, Pam Dorr.  The members of the Ultimate Black Belt Test (UBBT) will be making their 5th annual visit to Greensboro, Alabama, March 25-29, 2009, this year to restore a historic educational and architectural landmark.

To learn more about the 2009 Project and why a group of martial artist would do this please go to My Journey page and you can see how I am involved and how you can help.  If you want to know what Pam did in her previous life, ask me.  It is so different from what she is doing now!!

Successful goal setting

Our goals must be about us.  They cannot be about others or what we would like to see them do or accomplish.  When we know the results we want and why we want them then that is our goal.
Then we should ask ourselves if this goal is Real.  Is it possible to reach this goal?  There is a difference in setting high goals for ourselves and setting a goal that is not attainable.  I also believe that after we set a high goal that it is good to break it down into smaller chunks.  If we want to lose 40 pounds this year, maybe we break it down into 2 or 3 month increments.  Then we can see the progress we are making and get the good feeling of accomplishment.
Finally what is the time frame for reaching the goal.  is it this week or this month, year, 5 years or 10 years.  Goals are only dreams if they do not have a time table set to them.  When we have a time table we can then start setting smaller goals so we can reach our bigger milestones.
What is your goal?  Set a goal for your school, home, job or your physical training.  Let me know what it is and I will be here to help you reach that goal.  That is one of my goals this year – to help others reach their goals.

Setting a goal

An exercise in goal setting:

  • Write down a goal for yourself that you feel that you really want to achieve in the next year.  Be sure it is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
  • Follow this with the reason you feel that you must reach this goal.  Why do you want this?  What is the pleasure you will receive from attaining the goal?
  • Finally write down 2 things that you can do right now to reach your goal.  Take action.  Then follow up by reviewing your goal and actions to be sure you are working toward that goal everyday.

Goal Setting

Young students

Goal setting means: “I have the recipe to achieve my dreams!”

Older students, teens, adults:

Goal setting is deciding what you’d like to achieve and making a plan to achieve it.

Successful goal setting

Learning how to set goals and more important how to acheive your goals is an important part of our life.  In fact it allows us to shape our life instead of wandering aimlessly.  Fitzhugh Dodson once explained, “Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination.”
One thing I have learned about goals is it has to come from the results we would like to see, and we must have very strong reasons or purpose for there to be a real commitment to the goal.
Ask  yourself:  What is the result I would like to see and then ask why.  Though I am sure everyone has heard this before we know that all goals must be able to answer these questions.  Is it specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely?
Am I committed to achieving this goal?

Teaching Leadership

What do parents want for their children?  When we talk to them this is what we hear.
Parents want to see them learn to be focused, responsible, disciplined, gain confidence, and social skills.   They would also like them to be learning responsibility, tolerance, problem solving, and creative thinking.  While we have been working on those skills here at Balanced Life Skills I believe that over the next year you will see us finding new innovative ways to develop these skills in our students.
We will do this by integrating and imbedding these skills in our culture.  Integrating teaching these skills while we teach the physical skills of the martial arts is one of our goals this year.  As parents and teachers one of the best ways we can help is by modeling the skills we want our children to have.
We can focus on this together as we develop our students into Ultimate Students and citizens of our community.