Clean up of our waterways

I have just learned that September 19th is an international day devoted to cleaning up the waterways and is used as a day of awareness of what we can do to contribute to the health of our oceans and rivers.  I would like to invite our school and community to join with Balanced Life Skills in creating one or more projects that we can do on that date to help in this cause. 

If you know of a beach or creek or any waterway that needs the attention of humans – to undo what humans have done – please contact us so we can put groups together to spend this one day working on this important type of self defense. 

Talk to your friends and neighbors and lets make a difference in our environment.

Citizenship begins with awareness

There are so many ways that we can teach and partake in good citizenship. It is so important for our children to see and know that we believe that it is our responsibility to care for others as well as ourselves. Doing simple things though that do not require money – only our effort and awareness can be some of the strongest lessons.

When we are taking a walk in our neighborhood or at the park, we can be aware of trash that is on the ground and pick it up and throw it away. If we were to see an area at the playground that needed maintenance or a coat of paint, we may be able to find some friends to get together and make the repairs. If we need permission then we get that permission – and this is a good lesson to our kids in being leaders.

Awareness of our surrounding and of the feelings of others is the first step in being a good citizen and sharing with our children what citizenship is all about.

Citizenship and following rules

What is it that makes us a good citizen? it is not just about our intentions or where our heart is. It is about our actions – what we do, for and with the community that we are a part of. Our communities include our family, school, extracurricular activities, our neighborhood, and yes the world.

As a part of a group we need to follow the rules. Most of the time these rules have been set up so as to provide protection and safety for all the community. Most times the rules make things fair for everyone also.

In the family at home we have rules like cleaning up our own messes or toys, not hitting, respecting the privacy of others. In school we have rules like raising our hand to answer, waiting our turn in lines, and showing respect for the teacher. In our community we agree to follow the traffic laws, not littering, not stealing or hurting our neighbors. In the world we are beginning to understand more and more that everything we do and consume has an impact on others in different parts of the world.

When we follow the rules, we make things fair for others too. It simply is not fair if one person does all the picking up and cleaning. As a good citizen we would share those responsibilities, even if we are a young child. As we teach our children about those responsibilities as a citizen we are also teaching them about fairness and helping others. Good citizens follow rules. Just think what our world would look like if everyone followed the rules and pursued peace by being good citizens.

Citizenship: Definition


 There are so many ways to demonstrate good citizenship.  We are all a part of many communities starting with our family, schools, community and the world.  Guiding ourselves and our children to be inspired to help others and make the world a better place is a worthy goal.




Young students:

Citizenship means: I take care of where I live, work and play!

Older students:

Citizenship means being a caring, helpful and responsible member of one’s community.

There will be more discussions on this site of this word to help everyone discuss it with their own children and to look at it more deeply with themselves in the coming month. Check back with us or you may join our community for even more information.

Back to school tips

As many of you know I teach two classes for children with special needs.  One of them is for children with downs syndrone and the other is for children with autism.  One of the things that I have learned over the past few years is that the time the parents spend with these children preparing them to meet the new situations they will face is really the same thing all of us would do well to do as parents of typical children. 

Here is a link to a set of suggestions for getting ready to go back to school that is perfect for typical or special needs children.  I hope that you find them good reminders.  Also if you know anyone that has a child that would like to take part in our classes please refer them to us and we will see how we can fit them in our program.  These special classes are extremely beneficial to the students and those that help me with them.

Back to school tips

Getting back into routine

It has been very hard for me to get back into my routine. I have moments when everything feels like it is getting there and then there is a breakdown and I feel completely disconnected again. Does Hawaii do that to you or is it something else? When we come back from summer vacation it can be a releif that there is more routine in our lives. Use this time to re-establish your personal routine to a better you.



 To get back into routine there are some simple steps to take:

  1. Be sure to eat the right foods and get back on your schedule of eating. (5-6 meals a day)
  2. Force yourself to go to bed at the same time and get up at that same time.(even on weekends)
  3. Begin your physical regimen as soon as possible. (begin with physical activity with a partner / teammate)
  4. Add your personal physical activity day by day. (include a stretching routine)
  5. Start a reading routine again. (be sure to get at least 30 minutes to one hour of reading in everyday)
  6. Stay in touch with your mentors or teammates on a daily basis. (this adds accountability)
  7. Journal your results everyday. (this is for you to see where you can adjust and make improvements)
  8. Limit & schedule time spent on email, internet activities and television.
  9. Schedule time for doing charity work in your community
  10. Be sure to celebrate your successes by allowing yourself to do something special for yourself.

Daily working on yourself is a part of living your best life, setting a great example for those watching (read our kids), keeping up both our mental and physical health. If you are feeling tired or worn out all the time – something is missing in your life. It may be a good routine of great healthy, ‘Living Like a Champion’ activities. Join with me in the activity of routine and watch what I am doing to live the best life I can.