7 Strategies To Practice Cooperation At Home

Cooperation is vital for the peace of the family. Children need to learn about sharing for the good of others, even when they do not feel like doing so. Cooperation requires self-control and empathy. Teaching cooperation begins when a child is an infant simply smiling into their eyes and mirroring the movement of their eyes. The infant begins to feel the understanding that mom and dad have for them.


From that point in their life we will continue to teach cooperation:

  1. Sharing toys will grow into the ability to share thoughts and ideas.
  2. Defining for your family the “rules” of what cooperation looks like in your family.
  3. Teach problem-solving skills – so you the parent do not jump in and end the disagreement your way.
  4. Developing family spirit with traditions, time to tell their story and chores to do for the family.
  5. Practicing doing projects with friends – new creations and games
  6. Joining a team – sports, debate, martial arts, drama, band
  7. Community service as a family.  Discussing what your family wants to be known for doing in the community and then practicing together.

The Virtue of Cooperation is valuable for the unity and peace of the family and other parts of the community. If your family is struggling with cooperation, Mr. Joe would like to assist you in getting the cooperation you need to feel successful as a family. Call Balanced Life Skills for an appointment.

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