Sharing our talents with others is one way that we can practice good citizenship. When we are an adult to sharing of our talents also sets a great example for our children to see us giving to others what we have to offer. We can even encourage them to share their talents with others, starting with their siblings.
If our child has learned to read, they can share story reading with a younger sibling. This will set such a great example for the younger child in the love of learning and reading. Maybe they love to draw, we can encourage them to make cards first for those in the family who may be sick and then for others – even taking cards to a senior home or to a pediatric hospital.
As they learn new skills and share them with others, they are seeing first hand the practice of good citizenship. All of us can use whatever talent we have to help our community. Here are a few examples of things we can share with others:
- cooking or baking
- sharing with others our culture
- volunteer at animal shelter
- collecting food for others, costumes for holiday,
- making art for seniors
Our children are never too young to learn about citizenship and being a caring and responsible member of our community.