Culture of Peace is the answer to bullying

In just one week  I will be presenting on four occasions the topic, Creating a Culture of Peace in our Schools at AACC.  For months now I have been preparing this presentation because of my belief that it is not about rules, posters and punishments that will change what is happening in our schools – but rather an examination of the culture in each and every school.  As adults we have the responsibility and the power to help our children to learn to be peaceful, but creating peace starts with one – and that is ourselves.

In a recent interview the director of the documentary, Bully, touched on this point in a very powerful manner.  His comments are found in the video.  In the coming months we will be working to bring greater awareness to this subject, and I encourage each parent in our community to have this discussion at their school .  I am available to speak to this subject with parents and teachers in any school here in Anne Arundel County as we pursue peace in our schools.

Here is the link: Director of BULLY interview

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